About the Journal
Theoria and Praxis is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to exploring the interdisciplinary linkages between theory and practice, and facilitating cross-communication between philosophy and the social sciences. In an age of greater specialization and narrowed focus, our journal seeks to broaden the academic dialogue by calling upon thinkers from a variety of disciplines to participate in a discussion about some of the most pressing issues of our time. Avowedly international in scope, our journal seeks to cultivate a truly planetary voice able to speak to scholars in fields ranging from philosophy, the humanities, literary and cultural studies to economics, history, sociology, and political science. Further, we believe that theory and practice, thought and action, converge in a co-constitutive environment. As such, our commitment to scholarly excellence is matched only by our deep conviction that a global society must contemplate its own groundings.
The Question of Technology
Theoria and Praxis invites authors to contribute to an upcoming issue on the topic of technology. This issue seeks to cover both the modern context of technology, in light of the creation of new forms of technical communication and information such as social media, as well as the general evolution of the idea and practice of technology. Contributors are asked to discuss: the ideas of techne from the ancient Greek tradition, the ambiguous Marxian discussion of the role of technology in the development of capitalist and post-capitalist society, the Heideggerian problematic of the en-framing and ensnaring aspects of technology as an ontological unfolding of Western metaphysics, and any modern philosophical and social theoretical attempts to struggle with the earth-threatening dynamics of modern technology.
In addition to these specific topics, contributors are asked to challenge the commonly-held assumptions about the facile incorporation of technology into everyday contexts. Are technological innovations, such as social media, also a challenge to the basic ways and forms of human interaction? Do they threaten the very idea of a humanistic society? Also, is technology, in its more cyborg-like forms, a challenge to the very existence of the human being? That is, is modern technology significantly altering what it means to be a human being now and in the future?
Neither are submissions, by any means, to be confined to these questions alone. In fact, we will gladly and seriously consider all papers that we receive. Manuscripts shall be subject to a double-blind reading, ensuring the integrity of the peer-review process. All submissions should be between 6,000 and 12,000 words, and include abstracts of no more than 200 words (in Microsoft Word file format). All citations should be in the form of endnotes.
We welcome those interested to please submit their papers and proposals, and all relevant inquiries, to Theoria and Praxis at: theoriapraxis@yorku.ca
Deadline: April 30, 2018
Themes for Forthcoming Issues
- The Question of Technology
- Concept of Democracy
- Islamic Philosophy
- Greek Philosophy
- The Philosophy of Martin Heidegger